Understanding file permissions and modifying them using chmod


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replace Linux by gnu/linux
make sure that different points are in different lines not in paragraphs

Linux is basically a multi-user system. But nowadays there has been an
increase in the usage of Linux as an OS for single user home computers
as well. But since it was originally meant to be a multi-user OS, a lot
of things that would be necessary in a multi-user system are built into
the Linux core. One such thing is file / directory permissions.

In order to view the permissions associated with a file, you could use
the ‘ ls ‘ command. On executing ‘ ls ‘ you would be presented with a
directory listing with one filename per line. Yours would obviously be
different from this one. But this output should be enough to explain
file permissions. The above output shows that within the current
directory there are 3 entries. Lets start with the 2nd line.
frwxr-xr-x 4 david david 1240 Jan 15 08:12 viewresume The first
character ‘f’ indicates that ‘ viewresume ‘ is a file. In case it was
the name of a directory there would have been a ‘d’ instead of a ‘f’
The next part rwxr-xr-x (a total of 9 characters) should be spilt into
3 parts each consisting of 3 consecutive letters
Part 1 (User) : rwx Part 2 (Group) : r-x Part 3 (World) : r-x The
meaning of these 3 characters which form this 9 character sequence is
shown in the table below.
Description of r,w,x for Files
Read permissions for the file (whether the contents of the file can be
read or not) w
Write permissions for the file (whether a file can be modified or not)
Execute permissions (whether a file is an executable/script or not)

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