Mr Ajay, Mr Binand and Mr RajaSubramanian(ILUGC-Member) jointly
developed the TransConnect. It allows one to connect to remote
machines on any port, using HTTP Tunneling.
URL: (Thanks FSUG-Bglr)
One Day One Command
cksum — Computes a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) checksum.
`cksum’ prints the CRC checksum for each file along with the number of
bytes in the file. The CRC algorithm is specified by the POSIX Std. It
is not compatible with the BSD or System V `sum’ algorithms.
$ cksum file — Prints the Checksum, No of Bytes and filename.
$ cksum file1 file2 — Prints the Checksum, No of Bytes and filename
for each file.
Read: man cksum