scp — Secure remote file Copy Program. is the collaborative blog of Indian FOSS Members.
URL: (Thanks Edgar)

One Day One Command

scp — Secure remote file Copy Program.


scp copies files between computers on a network. It uses ssh for data
transfer, & uses the same authentication & provides the same security
as ssh. The SSH Daemon must be running in the remote computer to do
the scp.

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ssh — OpenSSH SSH Client

IEEE-SJCE chapter and Mysore LUG are jointly organized the TuxEdo’05
Event in SJCE, Mysore. URL:

One Day One Command

ssh — OpenSSH SSH Client


ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and
for executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to replace
rlogin, rsh and telnet, and provide secure encrypted communications
between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. The SSH Daemon
must be running in the Remote computer to successfully connect to it.

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telnet — User interface to the TELNET Protocol.

Mr Nikhil Shankar (ILUG-Hyd) developed the SMSTerm. It uses the ICQ
2000 protocol to present a shell on your mobile phone, which allows
you to interact with your computer from any mobile on a GSM network.
URL: (Thanks Binand)

One Day One Command

telnet — User interface to the TELNET Protocol.


The telnet command is used to communicate with another host using the
TELNET protocol. The telnet daemon (telnetd) must be running in the
another host to successfully connect to it.

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netstat — Display the Network subsystem informations.

Linux/MIPS is a port of Linux Kernel to the MIPS architecture.
It is available under GPL with Toolchains and Emulators for no.
of processors and boards. URL:

One Day One Command

netstat — Display the Network subsystem informations.


Netstat prints information about the Linux networking subsystem, like
network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade
connections, and multicast memberships. It is very useful monitoring

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ipcalc — Simple IP address manipulation tool.

TUX Magazine is the nice magazine for the new GNU/Linux users. It is
available in printed form and also for free download.

One Day One Command

ipcalc — Simple IP address manipulation tool.


ipcalc provides a simple way to calculate IP information for a host.
The various options specify what information ipcalc should display on
standard out.

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umask — Default file-creation permission mask.

Professor Donald E. Knuth, Author of the Holy “The Art of Computer
Programming” books and Creator of the Powerful Document Preparation
Tool, LaTeX. URL:

One Day One Command

umask — Default file-creation permission mask.


umask is used to set the default permission for files, which is
created by the user. To get the actual default permissions, the
mask should be XOR-ed with 0666 for files and 0777 for folders.

For example, if umask is 0002, then (0002 ^ 0666) = 0664 is the
default permission for files.     

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lsattr — List special file attributes on a Ext2 FS

Open Office (OO) is a multi-platform and multilingual office suite and
an FOSS project. Compatible with all other major office suites. It is
free to download, use, modify and distribute.

One Day One Command

lsattr — List special file attributes on a Ext2 FS


Apart from normal access permission (RWX) attributes, Ext2 File System
(FS) is providing few extra bit to set some special attribute to each
file in the FS.

‘lsattr’ command is used to display the file’s special attributes on a
Ext2 or Ext3 FS.

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chattr — Change File Attributes on a Ext2 File System.

Linux.Org is designed to act as a central source of Linux information,
as a voice for the promotion and advocacy of the Linux based OS and
information about the contributors. URL:

One Day One Command

chattr — Change File Attributes on a Ext2 File System.


Ext2 File System(FS) is providing few extra bit to set some special
attribute to each file in the FS. ‘chattr’ command is used to changes
the file’s special attributes on a Ext2 FS.

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play — Play the sound file.

Learn about the History of UNIX and its clones.

One Day One Command

play — Play the sound file.


Play different types of sound files from the command line. It is a
front end to the more general sox package. Normally, the play will
automatically try to detect the type and other parameters of the sound
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aspell — Spell Checker

Linus Torvalds creator of the Linux Kernel.

One Day One Command

aspell — Spell Checker


Aspell can either be used as a library or as an independent spell
checker. Its main feature is suggesting possible replacements for a
misspelled word. Aspell can also easily check documents in UTF-8
without having to use a special dictionary.

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