Installing sample schemas(HR,OE,PM etc…) in Oracle 10g R2
1. Get the companion disk for Oracle 10g from
2. Unzip and extract the contents on the server
3. Run the Oracle Universal Installer to install the components, choose "Oracle database products"
4. After successfull install,login in the database with SYSDBA privs and run the sample schema scripts located here $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema
5. To continue ahead , refer to this link
6. During the installation of the sample schema, it would prompt for
some questions such as for locations of directory for log etc.
a. Mention the directories on which the Oracle software Owner has write permissions, prefer $ORACLE_HOME
b. version (turned out to be ‘v3’ for Oracle 10gr2, refer to the
script for this in the sql_script, the script will be available as