Mr Muthiah is released the G2 interface to Octave, which is used to
get the graphs in different formats like PNG, JPEG, PS, EPS, X11…
One Day One Command
dpkg — A medium-level package manager for Debian.
dpkg is a medium-level tool to install, build, remove and manage
Debian packages. The primary and more user-friendly front-end for
dpkg is dselect(8).
$ dpkg -l vi* — List packages matching given pattern.
$ dpkg -I vim.deb — Show vim package information.
$ dpkg -c vim.deb — List the vim package contents.
$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/gcc — Show which pkg is installed gcc.
$ dpkg –print-avail vim emacs — Display details about package, as
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# dpkg -i vim.deb — Install the vim package.
# dpkg -r elvis — Remove the package.
# dpkg-reconfigure xfree86 — Reconfigure the X Package.
# aptitude — Console interface to APT package management.
# synaptic — GUI to APT package management.
Read: man dpkg, aptitude, synaptic
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