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oggdec — Decodes Ogg into PCM Audio format.
Ogg Vorbis is a new audio compression format. It is different from
these other formats because it is completely free, open & unpatented.
It is roughly comparable to other formats used to store & play digital
music, such as MP3, VQF, AAC, and other digital audio formats.
oggdec decodes Ogg Vorbis files into PCM-encoded (“uncompressed”)
audio files, either WAV or RAW format. For each input file, oggdec
writes to a filename based on the input filename, but with the extn
changed to “.wav” or “.raw”.
$ locate .ogg — Search for some OGG files in your system.
$ oggdec in.ogg — Decode in.ogg and writes to in.wav file.
$ oggdec –raw=1 in.ogg — Decode in.ogg and writes to in.raw file.
$ oggdec in.ogg -o out.wav — Decode in.ogg and writes to out.wav file.
Read: man oggenc