Starting with Ubuntu Linux 7.10

Starting with Ubuntu Linux 7.10

Its advisable to get a proper internet connection as this will save you from lot of hassles.
Once ubuntu is installed,work on the following points

1. gstreamer plugins for support of mp3/mpeg and other multimedia files
2. icedtea-java7-plugin package to have support for Java in browsers like firefox and mozilla
3. vlc player to play all kind of files
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Adding sequence to a table

This TIP can be used to add a sequence in a column for a table The syntax for creating a sequence is  CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name    MINVALUE…

Oracle SQL tuning- Identifying bottlenecks

    To start with PL/SQL or SQL tuning the first step should be to identify the bottleneck in the whole code. Idetifying individual SQL queries that are giving problems is no difficult task.
But identifying some PL/SQL block can be a difficult job.

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