Mr Vijay Kumar released the Beta version of XPDF with GGI (General
Graphics Interface) Front end. Use of GGI will give the reliable,
stable and fast graphics system that works everywhere.
URL: (Volunteers Needed)
One Day One Command
renice — Alter priority of running processes.
GNU/Linux is a multi-user and multi-tasking OS. So many processes will
be running with some scheduling policy like Round Rabin, FIFO etc..
High priority process will get more CPU Time.
Renice is used to alters the scheduling priority of one or more
running processes. Priority range goes from -20 (highest priority)
to 19 (lowest priority).
$ renice +1 123 — Increment the priority value of a process, which
process ID is 123.
# renice +1 123 — Decrement the priority value of a process, which
process ID is 123. (Root only can decrement ).
$ renice +1 -p 123 -p 200 — Same as above. Here no. of process is 2.
$ renice +1 -u sbharathi — Increment the priority value of all
processes, which is owned by a user (sbharathi).
$ renice +1 -g backup — Increment the priority value of all
processes, which is owned by a group (backup).
NOTE: Incrementing the priority value will reduce the priority level
and vice versa. Priority range is -20 (high) to 19 (low).
Read: man renice